Monday, September 30, 2019

Adult And Child Motivation

Earlier understanding on human motivation was based on early psychological milestones: Freudian Theory of Id, Behaviorist Theory of Watson, Humanistic Theory of Maslow. For example, according to Freud, the basic biological urges, that he called â€Å"id† were instinctive by nature and drove human behavior according to uncontrollable urges, i.e, â€Å"negative† urges that humans needed to learn how to control.Freud speculated further that human â€Å"ego† was there to â€Å"subdue† (i.e. control) those â€Å"negative† urges thus rendering the owner more socially adaptable (Pelham, 1997). Under the same umbrella, there are instinct theories of human motivation, so progressively mentioned in the work of Stacey, DeMartino, Stacey, and DeMartino (1958).In it, these particular authors take the readers back to what was known Evolutionary Theory (a.k.a. Pawlov’s Theory of Evolution), and yet, so masterfully suggest that human motivation can be viewed through these lenses.   In the same arena the readers can place what contemporary psychologists understand under Need Theory of Human Motivation.Referring back to Maslow, they might recall that he developed that particular milestone under guidance of human needs. In particular, he saw the hierarchy of human needs in the form of the pyramid in which the bottom portion occupied the most primary ones.According to Pelham, (1997), Watson and his followers maintained that humans are born with a â€Å"blank state† which, as the human child grows, his mind is filled with the content influenced by the environmental factors. To extrapolate, their perspective suggested that external stimuli are responsible for the human motivation.It is curious to inquire further, would the human produce motivational impulses if completely isolated for an extended period of time? If the human motivation is viewed only from behaviorist perspective, the answer to this question can become logical as fol lows.If deprived from any external stimuli from his/her birth, the human will be completely and absolutely amotivated in every aspect of his or her life. Such supposition was evidenced as wrong through and with research on stimuli deprived children (Pelham, 1997).Pelham (1997) also argued that humanistic psychologists discussed human motivation from the self-actualization point of view. He made a case that every one of us has the internal need to learn to naturally develop self be it conditioned or vicarious learning situations.Maslow and Rogers gave a thrust to a completely new group of psychologists who began considering a combination of cognitive, social-cognitive, and social-behaviorists angles on the human motivation. The names of the motivational theories, as descriptive as they are, imply on important differentiation.Each framework refers to the specific perspective, as in human consciousness being the great part of the motivational impulse, or human consciousness being influ enced by a social structure, or even social structure having a full impact on the human motivation thus his or her behavior.From this perspective, one would find a great point of interest to consider that humanistic and Gestalt theories tend to view the human being as the whole with implied emphasis on the positive state of mind (i.e. mental health versus mental illness) whereas behaviorist and Freudian theories view human behavior from the point of view on the negative state of mind (i.e. mental illness versus mental health). Obviously, to view human motivation through either lenses would shift the educator’s approach.  According to Stacey et al. (1958), especially, there is an interest in note of the fact that Gestalt psychologists argued in favor of free will as the necessary ingredient of human motivation. Cognitivists defended the position of the necessity of good memory and importance of perception in order for the learner to develop a strong motivational impulse. The irs gave birth to the Learning Theory of Human Motivation.With the more insight, cognitivists and humanists alike started considering integration of different theoretical perspectives. For example, Pelham, (1997) wrote in one of his articles that an individual as the wholesome being can be better understood from the point of view of social, cognitive, conative, affective, and biological perspective. The attention here is placed more on emphasis of how mind configure and organize the external and internal experiences.Learning theory suggests that learning is a need and thus must be met. Usually it is most prevalent through and with vicarious mode. A young child is in the constant learning when observing and trying to copy others. Thus, there is a constant motivation of the said child to be with others, to copy from others, to learn from others.Naturally, the name of the Learning Theory implies that such is either practiced or observed in the classroom situation. In the above-mentione d work it was upheld that this particular theory is viewed from the perspective of three components, as in a) cognitive function, b) stimulus-response relationship, and c) human interaction. Certainly, it would be naà ¯ve to attribute such a complex human activity as learning to one and only domain, as in vicarious learning.It is integration and combination of different modes, that is different ways to absorb, relate, and react to the external stimuli. The cognitive theory provides a window into a conjecture that the human has a need to develop cognitively. Thus, these theories might explain why people have such a strong motivation to read, to discuss what they read, to apply what they read.The intrinsic motivation to learn in children differs from that in adult learners. It is propelled by curiosity, fantasy, and flight of imagination. The skilled teachers long noticed that they get the best results in teaching young students when they integrate the element of story telling into t heir instructional input. The young students most often respond with increased interest, desire, and motivation (Pajares, 2001).Adult learners are driven by pragmatism. Their presence in the classrooms are more defined of the present or future need of the information they are receiving. Alderman (1999) looked at motivation as the educator’s tool to develop the learners’ potentials.Obviously, such motivation (any degree of it) must be recognized first and then manipulated to higher levels. The knowledgeable and intuitive educator must be able to tell when the students amotivated and through the personal research to identify the causes for such. The causes of motivation can vary but specific identification of them can mean the whole difference for the students.Alderman   divided various causes of amotivation into the specific frameworks. For example, Effort and Ability Framework groups the causes that are personal by nature. Students with such causes created a construc t of self, being unable to achieve and unable to break the certain level of standard. As the result, their self-efficacy is low and their self-perception is that of a person who cannot achieve. When students are in the classroom situation, they cannot avoid comparing themselves (their personal achievement) to that of others.If the classroom climate was set for competition there are always going to be students who create low effort, low ability self-construct. Understanding this, the effective instructor must change the class climate transforming it into the mutual supportive, no inter-student-competing, and focus-on-personal achievements milieu.Those students who already have a low efficacy construct must be dealt with individually. The instructor’s duty in this case is to pay more attention on the student’s inner construct giving him/her tasks broken down into smaller increments.Such increments become easier to master and when mastered, the personal sense of achieveme nt becomes the only mechanism to change the low-efficacy construct into the high-efficacy construct. The student will feel that his ability improved, and his/her approach to the whole of educational experience will start transforming. With that, the motivation will jump to the new higher levels that, in turn, will manifest with more participation in class.Alderman (1999) separated lack of effort into another content for the framework, but if to look analytically for the causes of the lack of effort one might discover the cause behind it – low motivational drive. When the student experiences high-efficacy construct, the higher motivational drive will transform lack of effort into the strong effort for he or she will start feeling able to achieve.It is worthy to notice the comparison between American and Chinese (or Japanese) students (Alderman, 1999). While American students operate from the inner sense of personal ability, their Asian counterparts view the personal success fr om the perspective of applying more effort. In the former case, the students are difficult to motivate if they have a low-ability construct of themselves.The Asian students know that all they have to do to achieve higher results is to apply more effort. Such difference in perception of self as a student can be as well cultural. The higher-effort perspective is practiced in Japanese/Chinese families from within of their micro-culture with children growing up believing that all they need is more effort.Another obstacle that is mentioned by this researcher is the student disengagement. Certainly and logically, such should be noted more often among the high school students than their post-secondary counterparts. The pragmatism on the post-secondary education levels should act as an effective deterrent to students’ disengagement from their studies.However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, even higher-level university students loose their pragmatic goals and become trapped b y non-educative elements of campus life. In such a case, it is the job of their instructors to identify the outside interests and redirect their attention to the initial goal of them being in a class.Covington (2000) focused his readers’ attention on the motivating properties of set academic and pragmatic goals. He pointed out that motivation is rather a criterion for academic success and thus has to be in the center of any education establishment.From this perspective, this researcher viewed the dynamics behind identifying and working with the students’ motivation as three causal effects: 1) students’ personal perception as far as their own attitudes toward their own social and academic goals, 2) how strong these goals motivate them toward their academic success, 3) what is available (set up by the instructor) as the reward structure to influence the students’ personal achievement.These three criteria can be viewed as the circle-oriented continuum in whi ch the reward structure promotes students’ personal perception on his or her academic success.Examining carefully this continuum, the instructor can notice what specific types of the external reward system are more influential in its affect of the personal student perception. Basically, it can be rephrased into what elements of the reward system affect the student’s perception of self-worth.It is logical than to assume that students of all ages will benefit from the correct set up and implementation of the reward system: one just have to know how to individualize its elements to achieve highest possible affect with each student in his or her classroom.   For example, certain students’ self-worth will scientifically improve if the instructor will design successful experiences.Smaller increments of comprehensive input without significant gaps in between the complexity steps with frequent opportunity to practice and self-correct of the practical applications of t he subject matter will do wonders to the personal self-worth. Insensitive instructors, however, undermine the students’ development of self-worth when try rushing with the content and do not give the students an opportunity to clarify their confusion.Nuckles (2000) called such teaching as student-centered approach. From its name, this approach is centered on the students, driven by the students, and modified by the students. His pro-humanistic values make it obvious his views on who is responsible for the students’ motivation bringing into the central focus the skills and aptitude of the instructor.The implication here directs the attention on the instructor’s ability toa) identify the students’ motivation level,b) if low with individual students, identify the causes (discussed earlier in this paper) which practically means to view and approach each student as an individual,c) devise a plan of intervention to raise each student’s motivational drive by eliminating the obstacles (the causes) one-by-one,d) evaluate the class climate and decide whether there are counterproductive elements,e) transform the class climate into more of each-student-driven success mode by celebrating and talking about each student’s achievement,f) the latter can be practiced in cognizant fashion by purposely comparing the yesterday’s achievement with the today’s achievement of the same student thus diverting the students’ attention from inter-student competition,g) and finally (but not the least), set up time to personally meet and have an individual discourse with each and every student of the class.The above elements and actions of the student-driven classroom render their instructor to become skilled and knowledgeable in cognitive and inter-personal psychology. It cannot be otherwise; the times passed when an instructor was perceived as a mere medium to transfer knowledge on to his or her students.One might argue that th ere seem to be no need for such intense and time-consuming practice in the societies of China, Japan, and other alike. This discourse is not contradictive or suggestive to other than Western cultures. It is of the opinion of this writer that such approach will serve as the â€Å"corrective† measure to produce results similar in the Asian education establishments.There, the teachers do not have to find the ways to manipulate with the students’ motivation drives – the students have been brought up skilled in that themselves. If they feel the fall of their motivational impulse or social diversion taking their attention away from their purpose, they self compensate by deliberately increasing amount of effort.Their American (and Western?) counterparts cannot do that due to the fact that their internal perception is tied up with the self-evaluation of their own ability level.   In other words, they come into the education milieu with already preset self-concept or p sychological construct of their own self judged by their own ability.They are far away from mere â€Å"turning on† the engine of their effort to produce more man-hours at the specific task. They simply believe that their ability level is set to the certain level and nothing will change it. Returning to Alderman (1999), such believe simply manifests itself as the set construct of their own ability: â€Å"Why to try (produce more effort) if this is what I am capable of?†Such attitude is self-defeatist and thus needs the external mechanism in order for it to be manipulated with. Such an external mechanism is the instructor who performs with the double duty of a psychologist. That leads to the more careful review of type of instructors Western teacher preparation programs produce.The number and quality of psychology content in their course work is simply inadequate. No wonder, why only experienced and seasoned professionals come up with the logical outcome (that is they co ntinually searching for self-improvement) that such an external mechanism is the way they set up the class climate and retrain their students to look at themselves from a different perspective. Such external mechanism becomes a motivation faucet in the hands of the skilled instructor.The practical application of such approach can lead to a variety of strategies. One thing to remember, however, that the instructor always must act as the facilitator, not necessarily as the source of knowledge. Only when the students will discover the knowledge through their own effort because they felt motivated to do so, that knowledge becomes relevant to their purposes and important/practical in their lives.The variety of strategies can be as simple as small group instructional regime (Brewer, Klein, and Mann, 2003) or paired work – it does not have a particular significance or preference. What is important is the perspective of the instructional design that is that external mechanism needed to manipulate the students’ motivational drive.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

O level papers

Are downloaded e-books a passing fad or are they here to stay? One attraction of e-books is that some of them are free. Others can be downloaded at a much cheaper price than the bookshop price, and for avid readers this is an obvious advantage because the money saved can be spent on other things, perhaps new clothes or days out. There is no need to make time-consuming trips to bookshops, which is a real hassle, especially for parents with children to bundle into the car or bus. Instead, books can be paid for and downloaded from the comfort of our own living room.E-readers don't take up much space, which makes a huge difference to people whose living space might be limited, for example, families with several young children wing for space for toys, games and all the paraphernalia of family life. Moreover, e-readers are extremely portable; instead of having to choose which book to take with you to read on the train, or having to narrow your choice to three or four books to fit into your holiday suitcase, you can have the delightful experience of carrying hundreds on your e-reader.E-readers are a blessing to short-sighted or visually-impaired readers because, as with all computer screens, the size of the print can be increased; no more squinting at the pages of a book or, worse, having the frustrating experience of not being able to read the book at all. Lights can also be attached to e-readers, and this is generally conducive to keeping eyes healthy. Users of e-readers can personalize their reading in the same way that people often personalize their mobile phones, as e-readers can be purchased with covers in a variety of materials and colors.While those who are generally wary of technology complain that e-readers are mere gimmicks, teachers and parents, who often regret that children don't read enough, hope that the novelty value of e-readers will lead to increased reading and improved examination results. Gone is the need for bookmarks and the frustration of losi ng the place in your book, as e-readers remember where you stopped reading and take you automatically to that point when you open up to start reading again. 4 However, e-readers have their critics too.There are those who say that e-readers ill bring about the closure of libraries, which will be a great loss to society as a whole. Although downloaded books are cheap or even free, the initial cost of e- readers is high, as they are essentially computer-based, and computers are expensive. This is all very well for those who can afford it, but it is socially divisive because not everyone can. If e-readers do bring about the closure of libraries, some people – those who can afford neither books nor the technology to read e-books – will have little opportunity to read at all. And what about the sheer, aesthetic pleasure f owning books? Many people delight in holding, and Just possessing, their favorite books. Snuggling up on the sofa with an e-reader pales into insignificanc e when compared with doing so with a ‘real' book. When people are moved to tears or to fury by characters or plots in a book, they instinctively tell their friends about it, and often books change hands and are temporarily swapped. This delight is denied to readers of e-books.Furthermore, students are not able to annotate e-books and use them for buying e-books from home, readers have to know what they are looking for, whereas rousing in a bookshop allows readers to stumble on books they might otherwise never have come across. It would be a great pity if bookshops had to close because they were unable to compete with e-readers, either because the customers didn't come any more, or because they were reluctant to pay the higher prices inevitably charged for books as opposed to e-books. Moreover, Jobs would be axed if bookshops closed. Will society have to pay too high a price for this latest technology?

Friday, September 27, 2019

MID-TERM CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MID-TERM - Case Study Example ustice and Fidelity (Miller and Davis, 1996).In this case , the main problem is to choose a person who will contribute to the development of the company and at the same time leads to change, empowerment and transformation. If Liz is selected, she will be the first African female woman manager and can do average performance with high energy level. It will also help her personally a lot. Roy, a white person has sacrificed even his family for the company while his performance is average to low. He has twenty years experience. Quah’s performance level is high but she will go to any extent for reaching her goals and her experience is also low. She is very bold as evident from her previous experience. In this case, the principle of autonomy means that the candidate needs to be independent and the candidate needs to make clear and rational decisions. Based on this principle, Liz and Quang are the top candidates. This is because Roy’s son has got engaged with vice president’s daughter, which seemed like a company affair to get promotion for Roy. Hence, Roy cannot be considered as a best candidate according to the principle of autonomy. Based on the principle of Nonmaleficence, the decision should not do any intentional harm to others (Kitchener, 1984; Rosenbaum, 1982; Stadler, 1986; Forester-Miller & Rubenstein, 1992). Liz is the best person based on this principle. Based on the principle of beneficence, the decision needs to contribute to the welfare of the person. This is because of her personal commitments and financial problems According to this principle also, Liz is the best candidate. The principle of justice means that treating as equal with their differences and able to give a rationale for the difference in treatment (Kitchener, 1984). According to this principle also, Liz is the best candidate. â€Å"Fidelity means loyalty, faithfulness and honouring commitments† (Miller and Davis, 1996, p2).Based on this principle, Roy and Quang are the best

ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS PAPER - Essay Example Westthorp (2010) summarized the fact that some hostels observed a decline of nearly ‘40 % against last business year’ while others reported business of ‘just 30 % capacity’. Moreover, the appreciation of Australian Dollar against world’s major currencies such as British Pound, Euro, US Dollar has also hampered growth because foreign tourists receive much lesser after exchange than what they used to get last year. In simple, they are now unable to spend greater number of days in Gold Coast Backpackers amid inflation and exchange fluctuations. In short, potential customers are now demand higher quality goods and services from administration in Gold Coast Backpackers industry sector at relatively lower prices. It is recommended that various Gold Coast Backpackers and resorts should also adopt a rational pricing strategy to entice maximum customers (Westthorp, 2010). The bargaining power of specific suppliers (raw materials and input providers such as furniture, hostel goods, food etc.) is reduced because of decrease in total business activities and surplus capacity of resorts and hostels. Indeed, suppliers’ business is directly dependent on Backpackers’ business and failure of the latter would also adversely impact the sales of suppliers (Jamieson, 2010). Indeed, the steep fall in aggregate demand of backpackers by tourists and adventurists has compelled potential investors to forgo their aim of entering and investing in tourism and hospitality businesses. It should be highlighted that threat of potential new entrants in this sector is low because of relatively lower returns and weak consumer response because of decline in real income and purchasing power. However, Backpackers have been facing increased competition from Asian Backpackers because of their cheap offers to tourists (Jamieson, 2010). The threat of substitute products is relatively higher because existing Gold Coast Backpackers and resorts

Thursday, September 26, 2019

MGT 511 CASE ASSIGNMENT 3 Work-Life Issues Essay

MGT 511 CASE ASSIGNMENT 3 Work-Life Issues - Essay Example The main aim here is to ensure that the individual spends equal time and energy on home matters, family activities and also self well being. Some of main reasons a work life balance is so focused on is the need to spend quality and flexible hours in taking care of the elderly, children and also better health care. With the growing levels of competition the need for flexible working hours and conditions, the concept has been well received by numerous large organisations however has not been very well received by other smaller organisations. A number of the large organisations and medium scaled companies provide the employees with a chance to have shorter work weeks and flexible schedules as well as options to work from home. Also companies are now adopting the flexible work hours and flexible work environment as a part of the corporate social responsibility as well. An excellent source of information for the work place flexibility is that presented by Ken Giglio of the Sloan Work and Family Research Network. The website provides a wide range of flexibility options provided by several companies keeping in mind the needs of the workforce (Giglio, n.d.). As seen in the case study by Giglio, it is evident that companies like AFLAC provide the employees with a flexible work environment and are not very strict in terms of the work hours. The company works on the principle that if the employees are taken care of, then the employees will also take care of the business. The Gen X and Gen Y have very different approaches and perspectives to the work life balance. The differences relate to the attitude of work as well as the views and the changing work demographics in America. The Gen X is more focused on the fulfilment that they achieve from life. The typical family here will include both parents working and in case of any family needs, the wife tends to make changes to her work schedule accordingly. Here in Gen X the women need more flexible work options. However in the case of Gen Y, the men contribute to the work within the house as well. Here the men take up the roles of being a husband, father and also caregiver. This generation does not focus on the traditional gender roles and as explained by Fraone (2010), â€Å"Traditional gender roles no longer apply in a  marketplace, where women earn over half of all graduate degrees and have (in some  industries) the earning potential of their male counterparts† (Fraone, 2010).  Ã‚  Here in Gen Y the men take on the role within the family and here the men tend to be more involved in raising the children and also working towards child care responsibilities as well. As explained by Harrington in Fraone (2010), â€Å"The progressive organizations that we work with have developed a wide array of policies to support their employees and many are striving to foster a culture of flexibility, agility and viewing employees as a whole person† (Fraone, 2010). There is however a common issue wher e the managers or the Gen X workers tend to over look the role of men in home related work and also tend to overlook women who need flexible work conditions for family care. It is also crucial to note here that corporate leadership styles tend to be diverse and this provides a chance to provide better equitable work life balance as well. The leaders within an organisation may not always have children or may have children who are grown, or may not even have elderly to care for within the family.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 50

Philosophy - Essay Example Admetus accepted the offer of immortality thinking that by the time he is to leave the mortal world for the underworld, one of his old parents would happily sacrifice their life for their son. It was not a fool’s decision, it is only rational to think that way. The mistake he made was not getting anything in a contract with his parents. If it was his time to die, he must have had some form of legal paper showing that he has a substitute to offer in his place. He could have also made a deal with any person, who would be happy to die at a certainty time in future for a pot of gold. Despite the fact Ametus might seem like a fool to many, I would call him an impulsive being, not a fool. Plus he always has a way to get out of situations. No one is perfect in the world, Admetus’s foolishness (or impulsiveness) would have landed him in trouble many times, but he always had someone there to protect him – fools don’t have such powerful friends! Apollo is like a friend to Admetus, he does treat his friends well and in the end Apollo gets him out of trouble whenever he’s in one. When it was the time to win the heart of the beautiful Alcestis, Pelias’s daughter, the king of Lolcus, Apollo helped him yoke the lion and the bear to a chariot and then Admetus drove the chariot to show it to Pelias – fools can’t be that lucky. Admetus was impulsive and stubborn and that is why he refused to make a sacrifice to Artemis. This upset the goddess and she put snakes in the bridal chamber as a punishment. To Admetus’s aid, Apollo came forward again, he talked sense into him and told him that it’s better to make the sacrifice to the goddess. Admetus took heed to Apollo’s advice and made the sacrifice – fools don’t listen to reason, Admetus is no fool. Toward the end when it’s the time of death Fates have agreed to spare Admetus if he offers someone else. When Admetus asks his parents they refuse and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International Expansion Of Hudsons Bay Case Study

International Expansion Of Hudsons Bay - Case Study Example Appreciating and respecting these differences in the markets can take a company a long way in its bid to take advantage of new business opportunities as well as the general expansion. For instance, a product design that comes forth as appealing to customers in the U.S. may not necessary charm customers in Africa owing to the differences in culture between the two markets. Failure to assess and understand the differences between markers can be disastrous. This was the case for Wal-Mart after it had to close down over 100 stores in Germany following grand losses brought about by the failure to understand the difference between the shopping habits in Germany and the U.S., its location. It is against this backdrop that it emerges as a matter of indispensability to analyze the decision of Hudsons Bay, based in Toronto, Canada, to acquire Galeria Kaufhof, based in Cologne, Germany, as a move to penetrate the Germany and Belgium market (Mahadevan, 2015). In this discussion, the factors that Bay ought to take into consideration in developing a future strategy for the newly acquired division will be delineated as well as a discourse of whether expanding to the Canadian and the U.S. markets is heady and the differences between the Canadian, German, and the Belgian markets. Hudson’s Bay needs to consider a set of factors in developing future strategies for the novel division Kaufhof. To begin with, the cultural differences between Canada and Germany and Belgium are very critical. Bay relished a degree of success back home in Canada as well as the U.S. owing to the fact that these two nations share quite a great deal in terms of culture. However, the culture of Germany and Belgium varies widely with that of Canada and the U.S. Culture influences the buying behaviors of consumers and, therefore, Bay ought to respect the local culture of Germany and Belgium.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Technological issue in homeland security Case Study

Technological issue in homeland security - Case Study Example According to Vacca (2007), the internet has led to vast transformations in the Homeland Security. For many years, the internet has been utilized to enhance communication between terrorists. The terrorists are also utilizing the internet as a recruiting tool, and support of terrorist organizations; it is through the internet that various terrorist organizations communicate and advise each other on the tactics to use in attacking their enemies. The internet has also enabled Homeland Security to get information in a cheap and easy manner; obtaining of information through the internet is easy since, at a single click, Homeland Security can have a lot of information. This has helped the Homeland Security to detect any threats to security and act promptly, thus eliminating issues of terrorism. Sharing of information from one individual to another over the globe has been necessitated through the use of the internet. Hence, the Homeland Security can access terrorism information over the globe through the use of the internet. This terrorist information is usually crucial in eliminating terrorist activities and improving security. On the side of Homeland security, the internet has been an excellent tool since it has assisted the department in identifying individuals who may be terrorists through the use of biometric technology (Alperen, 2011). According to biometric technology, every person possesses certain traits; behavioral and physical, which identify people in a unique manner. The internet has made the revelation of operations done by the Homeland Security officials feasible. Through internet hacking or cyber crimes, the terrorists can access crucial information from the Homeland security website. Because of this problem, the Homeland Security has increased cyber intelligence through seeking Information Technology professionals to assist in tracking of the terrorist activities on the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The sun protection behaviors of sports oriented young adults Essay Example for Free

The sun protection behaviors of sports oriented young adults Essay Lawler et al. (2007) studied the sun protection behaviors of sports oriented young adults in accordance with their sun exposures. This research will be helpful as skin cancer is increasing especially in the Australian region (p. 230). There is an increased possibility of acquiring skin cancer in one’s later years if an individual had a frequent sun exposure in his/her young adult age. Being actively engaged in certain sports is a major factor for habitual exposure to the sun (p. 230). Higher rates of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma were observed in the year 2001-2002. In a recent longitudinal study in 1993-1997, young adults were reported to have increased their sun exposure, but not their sun protection. Moreover, using objective measure technique, past researches discovered that elite athletes exceeded their sun exposure limits. A recent study also observed that 85% of college athletes don’t wear sunscreens even after a week of doing sports under the sun. Young men and women, 237 in number, aged 18-30 years old were contacted though the online yellow pages by using convenience sampling techniques. They were actively participating in four outdoor sports namely: hockey, tennis, soccer, and surf lifesaving. 20 paged, self-administered surveys were completed by the young competitors. The survey was based on previous measures that were published regarding sun protective behaviors and exposures (p. 231). Moreover, with items based on previous studies, the researchers measured the history of sunburn and sun protective measures namely: types of clothing worn, hats and shades worn, and application of sunscreen. Data were analyzed using SPSS version on 13. 0 for Windows. These revealed basic descriptive analysis on gender, skin type, and skin reactions. The sun protective behaviors were analyzed using chi-square. Results may not be 100% reliable because only participants for the most recent sports competition were included in the study, there were only four kinds of sports observed, and there were more female participants. The study revealed that almost half of the participants experienced sun burn with the surf sports participants being the most burnt. Hockey participants reported to have the least amount of sun exposure. Surf participants were observed to have the highest rates of sunscreen use and reapplication. As with previous studies, soccer and hockey players revealed that women applied more sunscreen than men; but this may not be accurate with other sports (p. 234) Tennis and surf lifesaving participants were reported to have greater tendencies to wear hats. Longer sun exposure and less clothing requirements in sports pose increased risks for skin cancer development. This study helps the cancer association by encouraging health promotions among young, sports oriented persons to decrease their sun exposure while increasing their physical activities. This case cries out for the improvement of certain approaches to sun protection in events regarding outdoor sports, especially with participating young adults. This may be done by a number of strategies like arranging game schedules and changing uniform rules. The study poses a significant help with the case of the next generation’s health and for the betterment of this topic’s future researches.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Biography of Theodore Roethke Essay Example for Free

Biography of Theodore Roethke Essay Theodore Huebner Roethke was born in Saginaw, Michigan, the son of Otto Roethke and Helen Huebner, who, along with an uncle owned a local greenhouse. As a child, he spent much time in the greenhouse observing nature. Roethke grew up in Saginaw, attending Aurthur Hill High School, where he gave a speech on the Junior Red Cross that was published in twenty six different languages. In 1923 his father died of cancer, an event that would forever shape his creative and artistic outlooks. From 1925 to 1929 Roethke attended the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, graduating magna cum laude. Despite his family’s wish that he pursue a legal career, he quit law school after one semester. From there he spent 1929 to 1931, taking graduate courses at the University of Michigan and later the Harvard Graduate School. There he met and worked with fellow poet Robert Hillyer. When the Great Depression hit Roethke had no choice but to leave Harvard. He began to teach at Lafayette College, and stayed there from 1931 to 1935. It was here where Roethke began his first book, Open House. At Lafayette he met Stanley Kunitz, who later in life, became a great support and friend. By the end of 1935 Roethke was teaching at Michigan State College at Lansing. His career there, however, did not last long. Roethke was hospitalized for what would prove to be a bout of mental illness, which would prove to be reoccurring. However the depression, as Roethke found, was useful for writing, as it allowed him to explore a different mindset. By the time he was teaching at Michigan State Roethke’s reputation as a poet had been established. In 1936 he moved his teaching career to Pennsylvania State University, where he taught seven years. During his time there he was published in such prestigious journals as Poetry, the New Republic, the Saturday Review, and Sewanee Review. His first volume of verse, Open House, was finally published and released in 1941. Open House was favorably reviewed in the New Yorke, the Saturday Review, the Kenyon Review, and the Atlantic; W. H. Auden called it completely successful. His first work shows the influence of poetic models such as John Donne, William Blake, LÃ ©onie Adams, Louise Bogan, Emily Dickinson, Rolfe Humphries, Stanley Kunitz, and Elinor Wylie, writers whose verse had shaped the poets early imagination andstyle. In 1942 Harvard asked Roethke to deliver on of their prestigious Morris Gray lectures. Then in 1943 he left Penn State to teach at Bennington College, where he met Kenneth Burke, whom he collaborated with. The second volume of Roethkes career, The Lost Son and Other Poems was published in 1948 and included the. greenhouse poems. Roethke described the glasshouse, in An American Poet Introduces Himself and His Poems in a BBC broadcast, on the 30th of July 1953, as both heaven and hell. It was a universe, several worlds, which, even as a child, one worried about, and struggled to keep alive. He penned Open Letter in 1950, and explored eroticism and sexuality with I Need, I Need, Give Way, Ye Gates, Sensibility! O La!, and O Lull Me, Lull Me. He later wrote Praise to the End! in 1951 while at Washington University, and a telling Yale Review essay, How to Write Like Somebody Else in 1959. Roethke was awarded Guggenheim Fellowship in 1950, the Poetry magazine Levinson Prize in 1951, and major grants from the Ford Foundation and the National Institute of Arts and Letters the year after. In 1953 Roethke married Beatrice OConnell, whom he had met during his earlier at Bennington. The two spent the following spring honeymooning at W. H. Audens villa at off the coast of Italy. There Roethke began editing the galley proofs for The Waking: Poems 1933-1953 which was published later that same year, and won the Pulitzer Prize the next year. It included major works such as Elegy for Jane and Four for Sir John Davies, which was modeled on Daviess metaphysical poem Orchestra. During 1955 and 1956 the Roethke and his new wife traveled Europe, on a Fulbright grant. The following year he published a collection of works that included forty-three new poems entitled Words for the Wind, winning the Bollingen Prize, the National Book Award, the Edna St. Vincent Millay Prize, the Longview Foundation Award, and the Pacific Northwest Writers Award for it. The new poems included his famous I Knew a Woman, and Dying Man. Roethke began a series of reading tours in New York and Europe, underwritten by another Ford Foundationgrant. While visiting with friends at Bainbridge Island in 1963, Washington, Roethke suffered a fatal heart attack. During the last years of his life be had composed the sixty-one new poems that were published posthumously in The Far Field in 1964which received the National Book Awardand in The Collected Poems in 1966.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Information Management System Of Samsung Marketing Essay

Information Management System Of Samsung Marketing Essay We believe that Samsung has good chance to get success when global market is becoming more competitive. Samsung can create new trends in market in a fashionable way and using the recommended conditions which have been discussed, while it is backed up by core competency of marketing. We really believe that earlier advantage can be achieved despite Nokia has currently launched a new phone as their brand is driven by style and price. Samsung can launch a new product with a fashionable style and can build a new brand image that is not manufactured and launched by any other company. Sustainability of this product requires new and up to date relevant technology which will keep it for long period. Technical and famous designers are used to make certain products at forefront of the new competitive global and fashionable industry. Technology used is the key role player to change the traditional trends in industry and this technology is incorporated into the Cell phone to make best use of it for the potential sales. Strategic Information Management of Samsung 3 Introductions 3.1 Background and Assumptions Samsung Group of companies was found in 1938 and major leading company to provide manufacturing and financial services. Since 1980 it has made enormous development in semiconductor and electronics industry. Samsung has made remarkable growth in net profits since last two decades. This is regarded as the ways of Samsung conducts the business and strategic information management is the pillars of the entire business at Samsung. For a long period relationships between corporate strategy and information systems; Top management of the firms were not much interested. Information management systems are to be thought as same to corporate data processing and support the daily routine functions (Rockart, 1979). Information management systems based on computer based response to any type of interaction whether at transaction level and supply levels etc. Although Samsung is a much consolidated company but it requires more strategic development planning system to identify more future projects to compete its sister companies in the world. Shipping of products and the best use of strategic information management can enhance the capabilities of the managers to identify the achievable targets of selling of new products of fashionable mobiles by installing the new information management systems. Supply Chain Operations need more development to improve Samsungs global business operations. 4. Objectives For the strategic decision making organizational analysis is much important and business units concerning to organizations objectives which require accountability must be clearly defined. Stakeholders must be satisfied with these new strategic decisions (Joyce and Woods, 2001). The Samsung requires a corporate culture and ethics when implementing new strategies whether this strategy is adequate and can be implemented within firm. Top Management of the Samsung takes strategic decisions to become important player in the Phone Industry. All units within Samsung are responsible to CEO. The CEO of the Samsung is setting a separate unit to foster the start up and meeting the requirements of the customers as well as generating more revenue for its share holders. The CEO of the Samsung has set these goals to take advantage of wealth of shareholders to ensure that Samsung will remain more profitable within market. In this way Samsung mobiles will be an independent unit driven by the goals of Samsung as it is functioning within Samsung firm and its revenue will be rewarding to Samsungs shareholders. 5 Remote Environment For any firm market based view is very important to understand the external environment before they make any strategic choices. Many factors must be addressed which influence the industry and these factors include as PESETEL analysis, Porters Five Forces and Globalization drivers (Partridge, 2005). 6 PESTEL analysis 6.1 Political - Due to that as markets are regulated so both manufacturers and operators work in an environment free of governments invention. 6.2 Economic- Increase in income makes the people to have more disposable income, which enables the user or customer to make selection among the best choice of mobile cells. Price is a key factor to be focused rather addressing the basic needs (messaging and calls) of the customers. 6.3 Social- Due to rise in information society, telecommunication has become more important for consumers in terms of leisure and work. Electronic media provides the information about the new advancement in handset mobiles and consumers are aware of their best choice among these handset phones. 6.4 Technological Global technology advancement are as GPRS, GSM, WAP, Bluetooth, MMS and Cameras which are hallmark in mobile phone industry. European market is less technologically advanced than their counterpart Asian market i.e. in Asia 90% phones with cameras while in Europe just 4% phones had handsets with cameras (Johnson and Scholes, 2001). Environment Mobile phones have hazardous affects on human health due to waves which are emitted by these handsets and also cause potential tumors (BBC, 2004). Immense wastage created by the disposable handsets which are also non-ecological. Legal It is very difficult to patent the mobile phones designs. 7 Porters Five Forces A company needed as many as possible to neutralize the five forces to generate a well competitive advantage. Porters forces (Porter, 1998) are used basically for the attraction of industry and searches sources of its competition. These forces are dependent on each other and Samsung like industries must know the connection between these forces. 7.1 Entry Barriers Change in the technology makes the entire industry to invest more in development and research, which is carried out by the firms to keep up to date that which firm has latest technology featured handsets. Companies in the same mobile phones are in competition to release a similar or better product than other company. Many Asian small manufacturing companies copied the design of these products and grabbed the share in market in 2002. Samsung already has good access to its supply and distribution channels but it requires more channels to spread the Samsungs products more successfully. Due to globalization the cost of products is decreased. Entry barriers are resurrected to make the marketing more effective focusing upon fashion and exclusively. 7.2 Buyers Buyers power is very economically beneficial for the manufacturing companies as operators purchase the products in bulk and large sum of money is invested to keep their constant demand of good quality products. This large sum money provides necessary funds to research and develop to satisfy the customers with their demands. It shows the buying power of the customers which is a cyclic process and favors the operators. Consumers of Samsungs products are divided into two groups, one of them group wants to purchase the product based on price, style and quality while other people living in China and Philippine pay higher prices than their counterparts living in European countries. Users in Britain and Germany get mobile phones subsidized while people in Asia and Italy purchase the phone at full price. Buying power for the Samsungs products is seen as powerful due to users loyalty towards the new fashionable products. 7.3 Substitutes Better technology in future can be the best alternative of the mobile phones. PC based application are possible substitutes for messaging through Yahoo Messenger and people always return to mobile phones call as the call charges escalates. Because mobile phones provide very massive convenience so less alternative of mobile phones are available. 7.4 Suppliers Suppliers are high in numbers and therefore switching costs is low. Suppliers have very feeble power having very limited bargaining supremacy. 8 SWOT Analyses Samsung is one of largest group based in South Korea that works worldwide as subsidiaries. Company has focused on electronics products and service activities. Samsung Electronics is a major manufacturer of random access memory chips and mobile cells as a whole sets. Strengths 8.1.1 Credit ratings Improvements In 2002 company made a tremendous increase in credit rating as it also made previously in 1996. This shows that Company has recovered from the financial crisis and raised the corporate image of the Samsung Company. Diversification Company has made continuous transformation of diversification through its entire business. This is achieved due to competitive pricing of mobiles phone products and catered the premium demand. This has forced the competitors to expand its shares in market. Telecommunication Business New products of mobiles phones with advanced features (cameras, voice dialing and color screens) are added to its sale. Handset mobiles increased its sale up to 48% in 2002 and have become one of the largest mobile phone manufacturers in world. 8.2.0 Weaknesses Prices of the memory chips has fallen which constitute a major portion of its revenue collection. Due to fluctuation in telecommunication demands and technology issues has impacted on the revenue collection. A slump in demand can be averted by the competitors improvement in fashion and new designs. Mobile phone business requires Samsungs more investment to protect its market shares and stability. Other areas of company which require more attention are the fast SCM. 8.3.0 Opportunities Samsung has invested heavily in marketing and internal research and development products during last 10 years. Company wants to build a system for research and development that will stimulate the demand and SCM. A number of affiliated companies are sold in recent years in order to build it and reduce its debts. Samsung has restructured its business to surpass the Hyundai to become the largest company of the South Korea. Samsung is now building itself in Easter Europe and India market to build a globally integrated business administrative system to improve its international network infrastructure. 8.4.0 Threats 8.4.1 Strong Competitors LG and SK groups are the competitors of the Samsung in South Korea and also other major companies across all areas of its entire business. Samsungs competitors in electronics include the Micron Technology, Sony and Matsushita. Nokia is also major competitors in the area of the mobile phones production. 8.4.2 Safeguarding the Property Rights Samsung is manufacturing and marketing new products each year. Samsung is facing the problem of safeguarding the property rights which are crucial to retain its competitive edge. 9 Alternate strategic approaches Samsungs rival companies may produce good designed mobile phones with better technology to make difference with other companies. Smaller companies are using this trend in Chinas market and copied the products of major companies. Using Samsung mobile phones, user can perceive the quality and style of the manufacturing company. Technology used is the potential of the Samsung to compete other companies in the market and generate more revenue. Customers will find it more comfortable when product is not potentially out of date up to a year in terms of its functionality. It could increase the demand and prove ultimately cheaper. What are the strategic options in future to grow more economically the Samsung? It can be seen as 9.1 Price The price of the Samsung mobile phones must be in approach of common users ensured with quality and services. This will encourage the customers to increase the demand of products. 9.2 Distribution Supply Chain Management must ask its retailer to display the products in highly fashioned apartments and stores, which will impact the brand image of products. 9.3 Countries Europe, Asia and America are the major world markets. European countries are wealthier than other countries, so Samsung mobile phones must reach there with advance features. 9.4 Operators Operators and retailers have high power of buying these products. They know the degree of the price of the end-consumers. Operator can sell these products very efficiently. 9.5 Brand Marketing Samsung mobile products are very crucial because new brands have been added to already list of mobile phones sets. Marketing of these products must be in fashion world and role models are very significant. 10 Competitive advantages / CSFs Critical Success Factors CSFs measure the existing strengths and advantages in Samsung. Rockart (1979) has defined the critical success factors being in the limited areas for a business with satisfactory results, that ensures the competitive performance of an organization. CSFs are critical factors which represent many things in a firm and must go in right direction to flourish the business. CSF basically discusses the objectives of the business that is under review. This technique is used by the people and its value is lost when used below the third level in an organizational hierarchy (Ward, 1990, p.164). Samsung has improved its ability to recycle the sources and developed the cell phones more plausible for users. Strategic transformation of RD center has altered the organization and progressed the business unit value (Park, Sangmoon,Gil, Youngjoon, 2006). Samsung is providing best customers services in following areas Samsung facilitates best and costs valuable solution It provides unique service at homes without any change of mobile terminal and provides automatic installation and remote operations for users feasibility Value creation for End Users is a great advantage of the Samsung. It provides voice service, fast data service and wired/wireless service to its customers. Samsungs efforts are proving to be fruitful because their SCM six sigma program is very useful to produce talented specialists. It is expected that six sigma will play a vital role for global optimum. Branding strategy of sponsoring big events like Olympics and placements of its products at festivals is a good move of Samsung. Transition from 2G to 3G technology that emphasizes on multimedia is good change in technology strength. However new changing technology can solve many technology issues and can bring key driver changes in the Samsungs mobile phone industry. Currently market is dynamic and if Samsung goes away of this it could damage the sales. 11 Conclusions After the external and internal analysis it is required that strategic issues in Samsung must be addressed immediately. Best information management system can resolve these strategic issues by implementing the current strategy to retain the long term competitive advantages. Samsung being the key driver of technology transition of mobile phones industry can sustain its continuous and new competitive advantages. Samsung is not likely to fail because mobile phones are relevant to customers demand and up to date. Samsung has focused much upon the brand marketing because global market is highly competitive and dynamic. Sigma program is key factor to develop the Supply Chain System. On the one hand Samsung is very optimistic to facilitate the end users with best quality services and on the other hand it is generating more revenue for its shareholders. Finally Samsung mobiles are designed by talented designers; it ensures that products are displayed at best events of the world and remain fo refront at the fashion industry.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mind Match :: essays research papers

Mind Match Host (Kevin): Welcome back to "Mind Match." After Round 1 Jerry's in the lead, he's got Timmy, Suzie, Ramon, Vanessa, and Carlo and Susan is right behind with Amy, Shelly, Tom, and Danny. So Jerry, you're a computer programmer from Boston. How do you like Beantown? Jerry (Tom): Um, when I came on the show, I was under the impression that you could win prizes or money. Not orphaned children. Host: Oops, looks like someone didn't read the fine print. Susan, you're a computer programmer also. Susan (Kerri): Um, I have a very small apartment. I don't know what I would do with four foster children. Host: Well, figure it out because you're their legal guardian and it's time for Round 2, where the orphan points double. Okay, the first question is: "Mick Jagger is the lead singer of the Rolling ....." (ding!) Jerry? Jerry: Bears? The Rolling Bears? Host: Oh, I'm sorry, Jerry, that's incorrect. The correct answer is stones, the Rolling Stones. So Susan you win that round and here are Matt and Timmy. Susan: I didn't say anything. I mean, I didn't answer. You must've- Host: A smart move. A wrong answer could have cost you the lead. (Bell) Hey, that bell means it's time for our Double Dare question! Jerry, how many of your orphans are you willing to wager? Jerry: All- all of them. Host: Hey, it looks like Jerry is looking to double his orphans. Susan, how many will you bet? Susan: Well, uh, all of them. Host: Well, now, it looks like it's make-it-or-break-it time for our contestants! Okay, Jerry's behind so he gets the first question. And the question is, "Name a form of transportation?" (ding!) Host: Jerry? Jerry: Blue? (buzzer) Host: Oh, Jerry I am so sorry. Blue is not a form of transportation. And that will cost you your orphans. Oh, so close Jerry. So close. Susan, now's your chance to win it all. Name a form of transportation! (ding!) Host: Susan? Susan: Wooden? Host: Hmm? Can we accept "wooden"? You can make a car out of wood, boats are wood--(ding!) Boats are wood! Yes! Susan you've doubled your orphans!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Modern Computer :: essays research papers

Modern Computer Is the Computer important in the world? I am sure it is significant for the youths. Nowadays, most of the youths has owned their computer in the house. The reason for the computer is very powerful tool. It brings a lot of the functions to do any certain the things. It makes the people to enjoy its functions own. Computer is useful for finding the information. As long as the Internet is installed in the computer, the people can be able to what they want to find. Of course, they have to waste the time for doing. Acquiring the information, they feel that it is valuable. Renctly years, the number of people is increased by using computer. They can seek the information directly in Internet. That is a very convenient for the people. When the students do the projects, they will find the information in Internet, except library. Finding the things, they compose of the information and construct it in the computer its function such as Microsoft Work, Excel, etc. They have ability to achieve the people’s aim they want. In fact, the computer has plenty of useful functions. The people may not acquaint to all of the functions, only knowing a part of them. They need the time to know every thing in the computer for a long time. The level of the computer is upgraded on each year. Automatically, the functions and others will be increased such as the speed will faster than previous speed. We could say that the computer be able to instead in the position of the people mostly. Of course, the human is clever than the computer. Sometimes, the students will play the games, as they are boring. It makes the students to get the relaxing. On account of their studies bring the some pressure, this may cause them to get vexation, so they need to release their pressure, to get the balance of their mood. Modern Computer :: essays research papers Modern Computer Is the Computer important in the world? I am sure it is significant for the youths. Nowadays, most of the youths has owned their computer in the house. The reason for the computer is very powerful tool. It brings a lot of the functions to do any certain the things. It makes the people to enjoy its functions own. Computer is useful for finding the information. As long as the Internet is installed in the computer, the people can be able to what they want to find. Of course, they have to waste the time for doing. Acquiring the information, they feel that it is valuable. Renctly years, the number of people is increased by using computer. They can seek the information directly in Internet. That is a very convenient for the people. When the students do the projects, they will find the information in Internet, except library. Finding the things, they compose of the information and construct it in the computer its function such as Microsoft Work, Excel, etc. They have ability to achieve the people’s aim they want. In fact, the computer has plenty of useful functions. The people may not acquaint to all of the functions, only knowing a part of them. They need the time to know every thing in the computer for a long time. The level of the computer is upgraded on each year. Automatically, the functions and others will be increased such as the speed will faster than previous speed. We could say that the computer be able to instead in the position of the people mostly. Of course, the human is clever than the computer. Sometimes, the students will play the games, as they are boring. It makes the students to get the relaxing. On account of their studies bring the some pressure, this may cause them to get vexation, so they need to release their pressure, to get the balance of their mood.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

About Jihad: 15 Misquotes from the Koran Essay

The Cow is a story of the Koran in the Surah (vv. 67-73), and the name is derived from a story of the Cow in the Surah. There are 286 verses in this Surah, more than any other in the Koran. The theme of this Surah is divine and guidance and all other teachings are centered on this theme. The Surah addresses Jews and reminds them of their history. Acceptance of the Holy Prophet has been epitomized as the true guidance, and the Surah talks about Prophet Moses as an example. The Surah categorizes men on their ability to â€Å"believe in the unseen†, and the weakest faith is associated dire consequences while strong faith is associated with good rewards. The Surah also discusses origin of man, his failure and his descendants. See more: Recruitment and selection process essay The people of Israel form the basis for most of the teachings in the Cow. The struggles of Moses and Jesus among unruly people, and how the people rejected Muhammad because of their pride are some of the teachings documented in this Surah. One of the most important doctrines in this Surah is Islamic brotherhood. Virtues of prayerfulness, faithfulness, charity, kindness , probity and patience are described as the pillars of Islamic brotherhood. The Surah also describes instances where Islamic brotherhood may be applied, and they include fasts, drink, bequests, treatment of orphans, wine and gambling and Jihad. More focus is given to Jihad as a theme, and the story of Saul, Goliath and David is contrasted to that of Jesus. The Surah describes the attributes that are used to measure a person’s worth, and it also exhorts faith, obedience and the power of prayer throughout the doctrines. One of the most interesting ideas discussed in The Cow is Jihad. The teachings of the Koran are that fighting for the truth and justice are not to be evaded or taken light-heartedly. Not all people are chosen to fight. [2: 243-247]†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦but when at last they were ordered to fight, they all refused, except a few of them.†[2: 249-250] â€Å"†¦But they all drank from it, except a few of them.† As Saul was preparing his army against the reign of Goliath, he gave special instructions to his soldiers not to drink water from a certain river since it was a test of their ability to fight in the war, but many of them failed. They lacked constancy, faith and firmness that are needed to rouse by God’s battles. [2 : 191-193] â€Å"Fight for the sake of the God those that fight against you, but do not attack first. God does not love aggressors. Slay them wherever you find them.† â€Å"†¦fight against them until idolatry is no more and God’s reli gion reigns supreme. But if they resist, fight none except the evil-doers.† The above verses [2: 190-193] are some of the verses that have used to justify extremist ideas with Islam, and many Jihadists follow them in a copy-paste manner without giving deeper meaning to the context of use. The emergence of extremist groups such as Islamic States (IS) in North Africa and Middle East, these verses are relevant to this discussion since they have been used to justify the killing of non-Islam followers. Chapter 2 verse 191 is a verse revealed during a time when Prophet Muhammad’s companion was crucified in public in Makkans (About Jihad). The emphasis is on the attackers of Islam and its followers, and the Koran warns Muhammad followers against attacking without any aggression (Ansari Yamamah). Even after Islam has been attacked, the Koran further warns that if the aggressor retreats then Muslims can cease attacking since God is merciful in chapter 2 verse 192. In verse 193 of the same chapter, it is the duty of Muslims to fight against persecution and oppr ession of humanity. Muslims should also defend humanity. However, the Koran forbids aggression, and fighting should be strictly for self-defense. References About Jihad: 15 Misquotes from the Koran (Part 2) URL: Yamamah: The Shift of Jihad: Between ideal and historical context URL: Koran Surahs I and II (Dawood) Source document

Monday, September 16, 2019

Assignments essay Essay

|Assessor’s comments | |Qualification |QCF Level 7 : Extended Diploma in Strategic |Assessor name |Atif Kauser | | |Management & Leadership | | | |Unit number and title |4- Developing corporate culture |Learner name | | |Assignment title |Culture, Objectives and improving corporate climate | | | |Assessment Criteria |Achieved? | |AC 1.1: explain how models of organisation culture can be used to achieve organizational objectives | | |AC 1.2: explain the difference between organisational and national culture | | |AC 1.3: analyse the corporate cultural profile in an organisation | | |AC 1.4: discuss the impact of an organisation’s corporate culture in achieving its objectives | | |AC 2.1: evaluate the existing climate of an organisation | | |AC 2.2: recommend ways to improve corporate climate in an organisation | | |AC 2.3: propose a framework of organisational values that meet the specific strategic and operational needs of an | | |organisation | | |AC 3.1: identify inter nal and external stakeholders of an organization | | |AC 3.2: evaluate the effectiveness of an organisation’s existing communication strategies | | |AC 3.3: develop new communication strategies for stakeholders of an organisation that address differences in belief, | | |values, customs and  language | | |Assessor Feedback & Action Plan | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Learner’s Feedback | | | |Assessor signature | |Date | | |Learner signature | |Date | | |Assessment Criteria |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: | |Task no. | |Evidence | |reference | | | | | | |AC 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 |Culture: culture as shared values; culture at ascending levels; sub-cultures; professional | |1 | | | | |cultures | | | | | | |Models: Charles Handy – power, role, person and task cultures; Johnson and Scholes cultural | | | | | | |web; links to organizational objectives | | | | | |AC 1.2 |Organizational culture: industry culture; national and supranational culture; | |1 | | | | |models of culture eg Trompenaars’s implicit-explicit factors,  Schein’s three levels | | | | | | |National cultures: methods of classifying national culture eg the work of Laurent, Hofstede | | | | | | |and Trompenaars | | | | | |AC 2.1, 2.2 |Climate profile: how climate is defined; difference between climate and culture; | |1,2 | | | | |key aspects of organisational climate eg flexibility; responsibility; standards; rewards; | | | | | | |clarity; team commitment; impact of management practices on climate; impact of climate on | | | | | | |efficiency and effectiveness | | | | | |AC 2.3 |Values: values or core values as a part of organisational culture; crisis of ethics | |2 | | | | |in business and the new emphasis on value leadership – framework for developing and supporting| | | | | | |strong corporate core values | | | | | |AC 3.1, 3.3 |Stakeholders: customers, consumers, employees; shareholders; governments; | |1, 2 | | | | |communities, business partnerships and alliances – the increasing need to cooperate with | | | | | | |people from different cultural groupings (including beliefs, values, customs and language) | | | | | |AC 3.2, 3.3 |Communicating effectively: strategies; identifying potential barriers and ensuring strategies | |1, 2 | | | | |overcome them; developing self-awareness of own and organisational culture; benefits of a | | | | | | |diverse workforce; acculturation programmes; intercultural communication skills | | | | | Assignment Cover Sheet |Assignment Title |Culture, Objectives and improving corporate climate | |In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.| |Attach work where needed. | |Learner’s Name: |Assessor: Atif Kauser | |Date Issue: |Completion Date: |Submitted On: | |Qualification: QCF Level 7: Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & |Unit No & Title: Unit 4: Developing Corporate Culture | |Leadership | | |Learner declaration | |I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. | | | |Learner signature: Date: | |Unit title |4- Developing corporate culture | |Qualification |QCF Level 7 – strategic management & leadership | |start date |01-04-2013 | |deadline |05-05-2013 | |Assessor |Atif kauser | |Assignment title: |Culture, Objectives and improving corporate climate | |Scenario: Suppose you work for a business magazine called ‘The Biz Talk’. The editor has assigned you with the task of producing the Cover Story for the next| |edition. He wants you  to write a detailed article with the title ‘CULTURE, Objectives and Improving Corporate Climate’. | |For this you will have to choose one organization of your interest, conduct a primary and secondary investigation to gather facts and figures which will | |support you in writing the article. The article should cover and address the given tasks and outcomes. | |Task 1 | | | |Having done with the primary and secondary research, conduct a critical evaluation to study the current practices of your chosen organization as a case | |study, and Elaborate and explain the profile of your chosen organization by addressing the following tasks: | | | |Analyse the corporate cultural profile of your organisation | |Discuss the impact of your organisation’s corporate culture in achieving its objectives | |Explain how models of organisation culture taught to you in the tutorials can be used to achieve organisational objectives for your chosen organization | |Explain the difference between organisational and national culture by critically observing the presence of your organization in a particular country/region | |Evaluate the existing corporate climate of your organisation | |Identify the internal and external stakeholders of your organisation | |evaluate the effectiveness of your organisation’s existing communication strategies | | | |Provides evidence for: outcome 1, AC: 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 | | | |Task 2 | | | |Based on your analysis, propose recommendations and strategies for further improvement in the areas defined below: | | | |Recommend ways to improve the corporate climate in your organisation | |Propose a framework of organisational values that meets the specific strategic and operational needs of your organization | |Develop new communication strategies for stakeholders of your organisation that address differences in belief, values, customs and language | | | |Provides evidence for: AC 2.2, 2.3, 3.3 | |This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose | |Assessor |Atif Kauser | |Signature | |Date | | |Internal verifier |Wajiha Daud | | Signature | |Date | |

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Machiavelli and Weber: Comparing Political Philosophies Essay

Philosophy is referred to as a set of beliefs, concepts and attitudes held by an individual or a group of people. It is the study of problems in general and the prescription of solutions to problems based on critical and systemic analyses and the employment of rational argument. Philosophy through the lens of Political Science does so as mentioned above in terms of the state, the governance of the state the ethics of an individual in possession of political power. Political philosophers focus on the issues relating to the state, such as political action that need or need not be taken and the general behavior of a given individual involved in politics. With the focus set on just the state, political action and violence, two philosophers have critically analyzed politics through the three concepts listed above: Niccolo Machiavelli and Max Weber. They each have their own views, opinions and suggestions that both have similarities and differences considering the cultural and temporal inc onsistency between the both of them. The fact that some of their ideas intersect is fascinating. Niccolo Machiavelli, known as the founding father of modern Political Science, lived between 1469 and 1752 in Florence in what is known today as Italy. He is not only known for his work in politics and diplomacy, as he was also a well-versed historian. He employed the method of citing historic figures and events in his justification for the suggestions he made in his famous book: The Prince. In the book that was dedicated to Lorenzo Medici, Machiavelli raises many important aspects relating to the political environment, governance and ethics of an individual in possession of political power citing political actions that should and should not be  taken, the state briefly and violence in governing which is studied by political philosophers today as there are many ancient concepts and practices mentioned in the text that can still be incorporated into modern political practices. Max Weber famously known as one of the three founders of modern Sociology, lived between 1864 and 1920 in Germany. Although he specialized in the field of Sociology, Weber did delve into the world of politics. His methods differ from that of Machiavelli as time progressed, so did society and the knowledge possessed by mankind. Instead of employing the method of historical analysis in his philosophy of politics, Weber utilizes Sociology in his analysis of the political realm. In his groundbreaking essay titled ‘Politics as a Vocation’, Weber explores the world of politics through political actions based on social implications; be it good or bad and weighing the benefits against cost. He goes on to mention the state and its rights of governance in which violence is also cited. This document is also of interest to those in the field of politics, as his definition of the state has become the general understanding of Western social thought. In this paper, I would argue that although their opinions on governance may be different on the outlook, they share a similarity, which can be detected through analyzing their philosophies carefully. This also means that they share differing views on the concepts of political action, the state and violence which will also be analyzed in this paper. NICCOLA MACHIAVELLI In his book, The Prince, Machiavelli focuses his attention on counseling and educating the prince, Lorenzo Medici in the treacherous world of politics. The book is considered in simple terms a manual to being the prince. As such, he elaborates on an array of ideas relating to politics. For the purpose of this paper, the content of his writing will be analyzed through the three concepts listed above. In terms of political action, Machiavelli writes about cruelty and violence and the proper use of the evil act of cruelty. He admits that cruelty can and should be used wisely once within a  rule as he explains in his words â€Å"_Injuries therefore, should be inflicted all at the same time, for the less they are tasted, the less they offend._† (Cahn, 2011, p. 260). He then goes on to say that after that one infliction of injury, the prince should gradually distribute benefits in small quantities successively (Cahn, 2011, p. 260). Machiavelli raises a good point in his explanatio n above as when people are constantly subject to miseries, injuries and misfortune, they will eventually grow weary of it and revolt, however if the need for the use of cruelty arises and is applied in the prince’s governance at one point of time, it is only felt once and can sometimes be forgiven through time. It is basic knowledge from daily observation that repetitive actions can be very irritating and that understanding can be applied in Machiavelli’s justification for the use of cruelty. As for the distribution of benefits after the fact of cruelty, it works well as Machiavelli states that the subjects can fully savor the goodness of the benefits if they are given in small quantities successively. After being treated with cruelty, the gradual distribution of benefits would show the subjects that it can only get better from there on and would appease the subjects. This concept can be seen today in many forms of government, where benefits such as tax returns or any form of government assistance is always given in small amounts and in monthly or yearly intervals. This is where Machiavelli relates political action to violence. The state can also be related to Machiavelli’s conception of political action. Through his writings, Machiavelli was seen as an individual who detested representative governments or republics and therefore refers to the state as the prince’s possession which meant that the prince was the state. As such, the prince or the state was free to act in a way that it sees fit for the greater good of the state itself. Machiavelli’s conception of the state suggests that he believes a different set of moral rules apply to the state and that it is unreasonable for the state to act just like a regular person would act. MAX WEBER In his essay titled ‘_Politics as a Vocation_’, Max Weber explores the world of politics through the lens of Sociology. As Weber delves into the lecture,  he begins by stating that politics exist exclusively in the realm of the State and between states. This leads Weber to defining state in his own words, â€Å"_Today, however, we have to say that a state is a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory_.† (Weber, 1919, p.1). Weber, Like Machiavelli, believed that the violence and cruelty could be incorporated into governance however with the explicit use of the term ‘legitimate’. The idea of legitimate violence is ambiguous in a sense of what is considered legitimate violence? The ambiguity of the term has created a ‘grey-zone’ for which the definition of legitimate violence can be debated. However, gathering from his ideas and considering his position in the timeline of political philosophers, Weber’s understanding of legitimate violence can be explained as violence that is state sanctioned to protect the majority of the people within a state. This means that the state can use violence to halt the advance of individuals who commit crimes that harm the state as a whole in which the greater good of the state is the reason for violence rather than personal gain. For example, in the recent 2010 Toronto G20 Summit riots, those who were involved in the rioting were subject to violence from the police (who are authorized by the state to act on its behalf) who arrested the rioters. The riot was a harmful act carried out by a group of citizens and by using violence, the police were able to curb the threat and return downtown Toronto to its regular daily life. Weber’s definition of the state and his use of the term ‘legitimate violence’ satisfactorily connects the three concepts listed above. ANALYSIS Comparing the ideas of Machiavelli and Weber, there are some notable similarities although the two philosophers lived in different points in history and also in different parts of Europe. There are also some clear differences in their view of politics which will be listed. Both Machiavelli and Weber condone to state sanctioned violence with the purpose of the greater good of the public, however their views on the degree of violence differ substantially. For Machiavelli, he believed that cruelty and violence should be used only once and it can vary in degrees depending on the  circumstances. This means that Machiavelli condones to excessive use of violence in one single use. As for Weber, his idea of the legitimate use of violence would imply that the violence used would be used in a way that it is not excessive and used only to temporarily disable rather than harm permanently. Their views on the state are also quite similar and different at the same time. Machiavelli refers to the state as the prince’s possession while Weber referred to the state as an entity that had the power to use legitimate violence. The similarity between the two ideas is the fact that they both agree the state has rights that regular citizens do not. The difference is that Machiavelli believed the prince was able to act freely (wisely) in any way he seen fit to achieve success. Weber on the other hand believed that violence should only be used against those who threaten the peace and security of the state rather than personal gain. Machiavelli’s philosophy can be seen as a more realistic view of human nature and his suggestions are more appealing as they are more practical to individual gain. He is one of the few philosophers that acknowledges and condones to evil as many philosophers tend to write only on how men should live rather than how men actually live. Weber also has a sense of practicality in his views but is more downplayed and fair as violence or evil in his opinion was to be used to maintain peace and order within the state. After the analysis of the two philosophers, it can be concluded that although their views may seem very different, they are in a way similar. Their views on violence are both the same to a point and also different when they delve further into explaining more into the concept. Their conception of the state are also similar to a point until it was elaborated upon which clear differences could be seen. They both agreed violence could be used in governance however the degree and actual purpose differed when analyzed. In terms of their conception of the state, they both agreed that the state has rights that normal citizens were not in possession of to carry out violence. However, Machiavelli’s definition of the state was the prince’s possession while Weber’s definition of the state is a government within a territory that is authorized to use legitimate physical violence. Weber’s definition of the state is more relevant to the modern understanding of the state as it is the basis of understanding the relationship between the state and its  people where the enforcement of law comes into play. Machiavelli’s viewpoint was more individualistic and focuses more on the politician itself than the state and the greater good for the public. As Thomas Hobbes said, there is a difference between the transferring of power to an entity rather than an individual. Of course, Machiavelli did write _The Prince_ well before Thomas Hobbes’ time. References Cahn, S. M. (2011). _Political Philosophy_. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Weber, M. (1919). _Politics as a Vocation_. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pinnacle Manufacturing Essay

1. External users’ reliance on financial statements External users rely heavily on the financial statement of Pinnacle Manufacturing. Although, Pinnacle manufacturing is a privately held company it incurs a large amount of debt. As a result potential users rely heavily on financial statements. Pinnacle is selling the machine tech division to focus on engine manufacturing, the company’s core operations. This causes buyers to also rely heavily on financial statements. In No. 6 the board chooses to finance the construction project mentioned in No. 4 by raising more debt. Again bringing focus to the Financial statements. Likelihood of financial difficulties The Solar Power engine business is focused on habitual transformation of technology, which makes the business riskier than other business and brings about a greater chance of bankruptcy. In No. 1, concerns are expressed about Pinnacle’s Solar-Electro Division. No. 9 identifies restrictive covenants. The requirements are to keep the current ratio above 2.0 and the debt-to-equity below 1.0. In Part I, the calculation of the current ratio fell below the requirement and thus the need for the loan. Management Integrity In No. 8 there is a significant turnover amongst higher-level positions. This turnover is possibly intentional and thus a greater chance for fraudulent activities. 2. No.1 – The acceptable audit risk is Medium. The auditor would have to prove that the articles are material. No. 6 – Pinnacle Manufacturing is a risky client and the auditors should check and verify each account. The acceptable audit risk is assessed as low. No. 8 – Management is  changing its internal audit team. New members would learn the company and the way the audits are done. The audit risk is low because auditors would not rely on management representation. No. 9 – Because the current ratio and debt-to-equity ratio are below the requirements management will constantly check to either increase or decrease current assets to meet criteria. Thus the audit risk is low.

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Concussion is No Laughing Matter

This is what I saw in manga, but the character got hard on my head, the stars suddenly floated in the air, and the manga looked very awkward. However, in just a few seconds, the cartoon restarts and resumes operation. In the latest legend of Tom and Jerry or Coyote and Roadrunner, this seems interesting, but in real life it is not that fascinating. Looking at the stars, fainting and feeling unconscious may be a brain injury called concussion. Concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a very serious problem that needs to be treated in this way. However, traditional doctors and medicines often treat post-concussion treatment as long-term treatment. You may ask if there is a general concussion or TBI In the absence of common symptoms, they believe that you healed, but symptoms of concussion have been affected for a long time. There are various ways to heal the brain after concussion, so you can return to sports events and restore quality living. We used the definition of concussion proposed by international consensus on sports concussion. Thus, athletes experiencing acceleration of brain trauma followed by concussion symptoms, concussion or cognitive decline of the brain are diagnosed as concussion. . Standardized entrance and follow-up visit forms are used in various places. The patient enters demographic information (date of birth, gender etc.) and clinical data (eg, injured day, injured movement, symptom score after concussion). A single definition of concussion, mild head trauma, or mild traumatic brain trauma is generally accepted. International Symposium on Sports Vibration 2001 In the first session of the sports group the vibration of the first session was defined as a complicated pathophysiological process affecting the brain caused by traumatic biomechanical force. It is generally accepted that concussion is usually accompanied by transient damage that temporally spontaneously heals over time, and neuroimaging usually has a severe structural change ca used by the condition of the brain It indicates that it is not.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Initial Business in Black Jacks Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Initial Business in Black Jacks - Assignment Example If the initial business plan is successful then the club facility will be extended based upon its success rate.Black Jacks targeted audience will be the population in Savannah above 18 who have the relatively refined taste of music. The targeted customers are not in any way limited in terms of gender. The Club is expected to provide music records of all genres making it easier for the customers to find their chosen records at one place. The services to be provided by Blac Jacks will also include customized music recordings. Location may be one of the most important aspects of our proposed business. This will decide which market we are going to serve as well as the future prosperity chances depends upon this. So, we have got the opportunity to buy an appropriate place in 7939 Abercorn st. Savannah. This club will be basically located in a shopping plaza where the surrounding businesses will also be helpful to boost our business. So this location will allow us to gain customers more easily. There will be no parking issue because of large car parking of the shopping plaza and also the closing time of the shopping plaza is 10:30 pm which will also be beneficial for our club. As Savannah is the largest city in the U.S. state of Georgia. The population has grown by 16.6 percent in the last ten years. Now its total population is 425,528. It is considered as the largest trading area as well as it attracts millions of visitors that may be beneficial for my business. 1. College Students: We have created an environment that will appeal the high school college students and we are expecting an increase of 5 percent from this segment annually because of positive word of mouth. 2. Childless Young Professionals: Due to our presence in the premises of shopping center, we must appeal to single students and young adults. We are expecting an annual growth of 15 % from this part of the population with the growth rate of the city.

Improving Construction Safety in Saudi Arabia Dissertation - 1

Improving Construction Safety in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example However, based on a premise of sustained and continuous improvement, it is desirable to find ways and means for improving construction health and safety in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a nation that presents certain constraints. A laxity in implementation of commercial and contractual laws and a traditional approach to solving problems related to labour shortage by recruitment of fixed-term contract labour as cheaply as possible from underdeveloped nations rather than efforts aimed at creating a permanent pool of labour through permanent immigration characterise most GCC countries. This study concludes that it is possible to improve construction health and safety in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by effective enforcement of existing health and safety laws, enacting legislation for off-site health and safety for migrant workers, maintaining a fund for social security and improving regulation of commercial and contractual transactions. ... 3.1 Research Approach for the Dissertation Project 46 3.3 Design and Administration of the Survey 49 3.4 Sample Selection and Sample Size 52 3.5 Analysis of the Survey Data 53 4 Results 58 5 Analysis and Interpretation 78 6 Conclusions and Recommendations 86 Appendix A – Survey Questionnaire 88 Appendix B – Consent Form 105 Bibliography / References 107 List of Figures Figure 1: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research 42 Figure 2: Suggested Research Process for Construction Management Research 43 Figure 3: The Research Process for Construction Research 45 (This page intentionally left blank) 1 Introduction It is rather unfortunate, but true, that the construction industry around the world had developed a reputation for being the industrial sector that presents higher statistics for industrial accidents, fatalities and deaths than any other (Coble, 2000, Pp. vii - viii). United States Department of Labour for the year 2006 indicated that construction fatalities represented about 21% of the total work force fatalities (Lambeck, 2009, Pp. 72 – 74). However, efforts directed towards continuous improvement in construction safety in many countries, including Japan, South Korea, China, etc. demonstrate that it is possible to reduce the incidence of occupational injury, serious accidents or deaths (Poon, 2008, Chapter 1). Statistics for construction industry accident frequency rates per million of men hour worked for Singapore suggest that with an accident frequency rate per million man hours of 3.5 for the construction sector in comparison to 1.9 for all other industries help to illustrate the notoriety of the construction sector (Poon, 2008, Chapter 1). However, results for Japan, Korea and Hong Kong demonstrate improvement with effort. Reports about the construction

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Report for the head office of Electrocom Ltd(Case Study) Essay

Report for the head office of Electrocom Ltd(Case Study) - Essay Example The notion of learning is applied to the organization as a whole, not as a sum of the parts of individual learning of individual employees. Organizations like these encourage continuous learning and innovation and advocate an integrated knowledge management structure for the organization. Other features of such organizations include being proactive, flexible, innovative and able to tap into potential to gain competitive advantage. (Cors, 2003). Another important introduction is one that focuses on organizational learning. Organizational learning in an organization relies on three factors, the first one being routine, the second being dependency on the company’s history and the third one being the targets that the organization has set for itself. Organizations add to their knowledge bank through practice and over time, that is through practical experience. This experiences interpreted and the lessons learned are applied to future scenarios to ensure that mistakes are not repeat ed and good practices are adopted. Learning can also occur by looking at other organizations, competitors or those who are similar to the organization in question so that generalizations can be studied and applied to own organization. (Levitt and March, 1988). Electrocom needs to focus on knowledge acquisition; this will have two pronged benefits for the organization. First, it will provide them further consumer insight which will help them better understand, connect with and cater to their consumer base. Second, it will help them build a knowledge bank from which they can take assistance in the decisional process and which will enable further learning for the company’s employee base. Knowledge acquisition can be done through surveys, R&D activities, reviews of performance and a thorough analysis of competing firms in the market. Another aspect to be focused on is how this knowledge and information is disseminated throughout the organization. Organizational structure should b e flatter so information can flow quickly from source to destination without any hold ups or barriers to stop the flow. Electrocom also needs to focus on how the information is interpreted, for this will determine how the information impacts the organization, if at all. Lastly, through revision and incorporation of this knowledge over and over again in practice the organization needs to make sure that it remains fresh in the organization’s memory. (Huber, 1991). In the same vein, Schein (1993) writes about how it is important for organizations on the modern business environment which is becoming increasingly globalised and culturally diverse, to engage in dialogue. To effective in this business environment, it is necessary for Electrocom to increase and improve communication to enhance levels of integration within the organization and across borders and cultures. Organizational learning will only take place once there is an established healthy level of communication and integ ration internally and creating dialogue will be the first step in this direction. This approach will also improve cohesiveness of work groups, thereby improving their performance. Once a healthy level of communication has developed internally within the organization, subcultures will develop, often providing a motivational source for better performance at work because they promote

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

In todays economy are we heading towards a Great Depression Research Proposal

In todays economy are we heading towards a Great Depression - Research Proposal Example The American economy is brought to a halt. And with the presidential elections recently concluded, we wonder if the president-elect will be able to save, or at the very least revive, the country’s flat lining economy. What is apparent is that there is a need for a re-assessment of the policies governing these markets. Analysts agree that this brings change to the outlook of America as the top superpower, financially (Faroohar, par. 2). Everyone who used to look up to the financial bigwigs of the United States in awe are now re-thinking if they are in fact right with their views. They are now shifting their thoughts toward a more favorable view of the significance of the government in trade and business. They are already projecting that this in the future will be the definitive moment when global capitalism was uprooted from the U.S. (Zakaria, par. 5-7). Fareed Zakaria in his article at Newsweek points out that today is the ‘Age of Bloomberg’ and the end of the ‘Age of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher’. Perhaps the plummet of laissez-faire capitalism towards something everyone is yet to figure out is something we can all agree upon. If necessary measures are not implemented quickly then this is heading nowhere but another Great Depression. What makes the difference is the knowledge that is available today based on history. Time is of the essence and as anyone can predict, if this continues to drag on into years, then, an impact as great as seen in history books or maybe worse will occur. Ironically, from the independence of a free and unobstructed market, businesses today are looking to the government to facilitate for their breathing room. The $700 billion to be passed on to the taxpayers seems to be too much at hindsight. The implosion of some of the world’s biggest investment banks left everyone dumbfounded. The Great Depression has always been associated