Sunday, September 8, 2019

Song of hummingbrd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Song of hummingbrd - Essay Example societies are usually divided into classes based on either economic and political affiliations or interests, with factors varying from one culture to the other. However, in the case of Aztec society, the hierarchal structures were strictly based on the social, political, and religious perspectives. With divisions into eight different social classes, the Aztec society was made of rulers, worriers, noble priests, poor, slaves, servants, and the middle class members of the society. Each of these individuals had a specific role that they played in the society. The worriers were a group of brave men trained and equipped with skills to combat war and battles. For the priests and the priestesses were bestowed with many responsibilities such as watching the planets and prophesizing, and divining incarnations for the gods among others. The servants and the slaves were owned by the nobility, with the only distinctive aspect between the two being that slaves were considered property while the servants were not considered property, with options of marrying. For middle, class whom also the largest of the society, comprised of lawmakers, accountants, and potters among other

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